Saturday, October 17, 2009

A little piece of the world that keeps me smiling

This guy is good. He was on So You Think You Can Dance but got ousted when
he couldnt dance ballroom. Obviously... look at what he can do... there is no need for ballroom.

I know this video is super old, but it still makes me laugh every time.

I LOVED this song when it came out and I love the video even more. I was introduced to this this number
about a week ago and I don't think the song will ever be the same again... yet its worth it.

There are so many words that describe how happy this video makes me but nothing comes out because
I cant stop laughing. I should be careful though because some day this could be me. No really it could.


Janelle Johnson said...

made me giggle

Alicia said...

okay First, I wanna know why she decided to wear that ridiculus clown mask. And Second! I laughed my face off!