Sunday, September 27, 2009

A blogging re-birth

The time has come for me to re-enter the blogging world. It has been months. I have plenty of excuses. Let me explain them.

Reason #1: I need a new camera. Don't get my wrong I love my camera, I have had her for 5 years. She has documented many events in my life. I think the day has come to replace her when I whip her out and she is the size of Zack Morris's cell phone from Saved By the Bell. You may be wondering what me needing a new camera has to do with my lame efforts in the blogging world. Well you see somewhere in my subconscious I think that every blog post must have pictures. I know it is silly.

Reason #2: I need a new computer. This reason is closely related to reason #1 for the fact that I have a great laptop but I have had him for 4 years and I am scared to turn him on for fear that he might die. Therefor if I do happen to take pictures I have not put them on my computer, therefor no blog post. Lame I know.

Reason #3: I dont know WHAT to blog about. My life is pretty simple.... sleep, work, gym, church.... sleep, work, gym, church... sleep, work, gym, church.... ya get the picture. I do have to admit I kind of missed it. (shhh dont tell)

Reason #4: This is the most prominent reason. Since my return to the states from our trip to England I have been a little out of it. When we first got back I wanted to jump back into life as usual which for me consists of little sleep, running around do this errand and that errand, cooking for crowds, attending lots of social events and going to the gym.... BUT thats not exactly what happened.

First of all we were told you dont get jet lag coming back to the states. I though "brilliant." Wrong. The whole house was so tired. I felt like I was always sleeping and if you know me I don't need much sleep and have been known to say that "sleep is a sign of weakness." Boy was it ever. I think I slept all day on July 4th.

Secondly I have felt unmotivated. Something I have never experienced before. I think growing up I always had something that would motivate me to the stage in life. This school year to the next. Turning 12, turning 16, turning 18. High school to college. Then college to career and all the steps in between. You may ask why this slump is hitting me now as I have been out of college for over 2 years. I have no idea.

Its been months since we have been back from England and I have struggled for pretty much all of it. This is unknown territory for me. As it probably should be. Your life can only be a cookie cutter for so long before you start to frost outside the lines. With that being said I have got a new computer, a Mac Book Pro. She is beautiful. I think I will blog more just because she is fun to use. I dont have a new camera yet, but it is on my list. Until then my brick of a camera will have to do.

Now that I have aired my dirty laundry for the world to see I feel a sense of accountability. I must try harder. I will try harder. Stay tuned friends....

Note: I do realize I refer to my camera and laptops as him and hers. I don't know why I do that, but I name everything.


Janelle Johnson said...

Those "slumps" in life come. I think it's understandable if they continue for a little while. Eventually, you'll come out of it. That is what I believe. Those slumps will always come and they will always go away. Loves.

mrs. jar said...

I am so glad you are back!!! And girl, you are a talented writer! So clever and witty! ;) love you and welcome back to the blogging world!

Melissa said...

Hilarious...frost outside of the cookie lines.